tüv rheinland group 职位
- TÜV Rheinland Group上海市Shanghai Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- TÜV Rheinland Group宁波市315048 Ningbo Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- 浏览所有全国TÜV Rheinland Group招聘职位 - 宁波市的招聘
- 薪资搜索:家电测试工程师的薪资情况
- TÜV Rheinland Group上海市Shanghai Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- TÜV Rheinland Group宁波市315048 Ningbo Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- TÜV Rheinland Group广州市Guangzhou Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- TÜV Rheinland Group上海市Shanghai Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- 浏览所有全国TÜV Rheinland Group招聘 职位 - 上海市的招聘
- 薪资搜索:Sales的薪资情况(上海市)
- TÜV Rheinland Group杭州市Hangzhou Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- 浏览所有全国TÜV Rheinland Group招聘职位 - 杭州市的招聘
- 薪资搜索:资深项目工程师-ITAV的薪资情况
- TÜV Rheinland Group深圳市 南山区District Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- 浏览所有全国TÜV Rheinland Group招聘职位 - 深圳市 南山区的招聘
- 薪资搜索:玩具测试工程师的薪资情况
查看该雇主的类似职位TÜV Rheinland Group广州市Guangzhou Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·- TÜV Rheinland Group广州市Guangzhou Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- 浏览所有全国TÜV Rheinland Group招聘职位 - 广州市的招聘
- 薪资搜索:灯具安规项目工程师的薪资情况
查看该雇主的类似职位TÜV Rheinland Group苏州市215437 Suzhou Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
查看该雇主的类似职位TÜV Rheinland Group上海市Shanghai Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·- TÜV Rheinland Group上海市Shanghai Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- TÜV Rheinland Group上海市Shanghai Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
- TÜV Rheinland Group深圳市 南山区District Company As an international services group, we want to create a working environment...·
Job Post Details
Technical Project Specialist - job post
- 终身制
- 全职
General information
Full Time
Job Descriptions:
1 、对销售和客服提供汽车内外饰件及非金属材料 / 化学方面的技术支持
2 、对客户需求提供专业解决方案
3 、对客户提出的测试大纲进行解读确认及报价
4 、协助检测工程师解决检测方面的技术问题
5 、对整个检测项目进行排期、跟踪和结果汇总
6 、开发新检测项目(检测方法,指导书等)
7 、为其他部门提供技术培训
Job Requirements:
1 、理工背景,汽车制造、化工材料、机械制作专业优先。
2 、本科及以上学历
3 、 2 年及其以上汽车及零部件制造企业或者检测机构工作经验
4 、英语 4 级以上,听说读写熟练,能够流利的与外国人交流
5 、性格开朗、善于沟通、有良好的团队精神,执行力强,能够独立解决问题
6 、熟练运用 MS 办公软件和 outlook
The fourth building, No. 139 Xuanhuanggong Road
200136 Shanghai
As an international services group, we want to create a working environment in which all our employees feel secure and comfortable - an environment in which they enjoy giving their best with commitment. The key to this lies in an open, respectful cooperation across all countries, cultures and lifestyles. After all, around 20,000 employees at 500 locations around the globe provide more than 2,500 services. The results of their work can be seen everywhere: in tested elevators or rides, on certified toys or technical equipment, in our consultations or training sessions. No matter where - our international teams have been setting standards in terms of safety, quality and efficiency for many years.
We value diversity - and take on responsibility
Our specialists appreciate this versatile portfolio, the exciting tasks and the value of their work for people, the environment and technology. And we value our specialists for their know-how and commitment, but also for their different personalities and careers. Combined with the professionalism and sense of responsibility of each individual, we create a culture of openness, growth and collegiality. We want to further strengthen this culture and consistently promote respect in our dealings with one another. Not only do we say that, we live that. We have committed ourselves to acting in accordance with the principles of the UN Global Compact initiative, to fighting corruption and to working for human rights, labour standards and environmental protection in our daily work. We are active in numerous networks and projects that stand for diversity and equality. In addition, we have developed a broad range of products and services that help to reconcile the professional and private worlds so that our employees can work in a healthy, motivated and optimal environment.